They sought votes against BJP later merged with them: Omar Abdullah

Srinagar, May 03: National Conference (NC) Vice President and former chief minister Omar Abdullah on Friday said that people of Srinagar need a representative like Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi who does not deviate from his principle stand.

He said that Ruhulla’s stand on his principles was the answer to people asking why he was given a mandate from Srinagar Parliament constituency.

Addressing a public rally at Batwara Srinagar, Omar Abdullah said that people of Srinagar need a representative like Aga Syed Ruhulla Mehdi because people have seen other representatives who went from here to Parliament and remained silent.

“We have seen those who asked for votes against BJP and then joined hands with them. We have also seen those people who stopped the works here, who stopped the mining here and who stopped the lease of the sand from Jhelum here,” he said while alluding to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Abdullah said that some people conspiring to bring BJP secretly here in Kashmir are now openly saying that they are with BJP.

“The BJP is the same party who does not hold any space for Muslims even today. BJP is spreading hatred against Muslims across the nation,” he said.

He said that the BJP has no realisation that after the culmination of the LS elections on June 4 of 2024 the country has to run for next five years.

“How will you (BJP) run it, by spreading hatred like this?” he asked.

Omar Abdullah said that Aga Syed Ruhulla Mehdi is a “man of principles” who has the courage to call a spade a spade.

“He does not care if someone gets upset or feels bad because of anything he says. He does not bother if someone gets happy or unhappy with his speeches. His focus is on what is objectively correct,” Omar Abdullah said.

He said that after June 4 of 2024 when (God willing) Ruhulla after winning the elections with the support of the people will go to New Delhi to represent his people in the Parliament, he will continue to represent them strongly and boldly in his speeches.

He however castigated the BJP for resorting to hate speeches and involving religion at the time of elections.

“Their (BJP) purpose is to create tension and enmity by any means. They want hatred to spread,” he said.

He said BJP claiming development and progress in J&K, after abrogation of Article 370 was rubbing salt to our wounds.

“This is the unfortunate area where just a few days ago we saw little school-going children being separated from us in an accident. Some of them have still not been found by their parents to bury them properly,” he said while referring to the boat sinking incident in Batwara area of Srinagar a few weeks ago.

“This all happened because a bridge was not made for the people here. The bridge was sanctioned in our era, but we were not in power for the last 10 years,” he said.

Omar Abdullah castigated BJP for talking about opening of factories, investments, tunnels, railways and airports but will not speak about a small bridge.

“Just talk about this (Batwara) bridge and make these people understand why these innocent children had to cross the river through a boat. What was the compulsion that this bridge was not completed in the last 10 years when we were not in power,” Omar Abdullah questioned BJP.

Referring to the Apni Party candidate, Omar Abdullah said the people who are asking for votes again for LS elections are the same people who sought votes from people of Batwara in 2014 elections.

“But in 2014 they wore a different attire and are wearing another attire today. At least they should answer this because in the 2014 elections, you made them win with your valuable votes. I was left behind, you preferred him over me but what did they do for you,” Abdullah asked people.

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