Ladakh MP Urges Defence Minister to Address Key Regional Concerns

In a crucial meeting with Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh in New Delhi, Mohmad Haneefa Jan, the Member of Parliament from Ladakh, passionately articulated several critical concerns integral to Ladakh’s defence and development.

Haneefa presented a detailed memorandum to the Defence Ministry, highlighting Ladakh’s strategic significance as a frontier region sharing borders with Pakistan and China. He emphasized the historical and ongoing support of Ladakhis to the Indian Armed Forces during times of conflict, framing his advocacy within a narrative of shared sacrifice and national duty.

A primary concern raised by the Ladakh MP was the evacuation of the Kurbathang Plateau, urging swift relocation of Army facilities to alleviate urban congestion and enable civilian expansion in Ladakh’s towns. Haneefa highlighted discrepancies in ground rent payments for properties occupied by the Army and advocated for fair compensation for landowners through a comprehensive reassessment.

In a bid to enhance local participation in defence infrastructure projects, Haneefa passionately canvassed for increased recruitment of Ladakhi labourers in Border Roads Organisation (BRO) initiatives, aiming to bolster economic opportunities amidst limited local employment options.

Addressing civil-military relations, Haneefa stressed the significance of maintaining District Level Public Offices (DLPOs) in Kargil and proposed the establishment of an Army/Sainik School in Kargil and Leh districts to foster educational growth and local development.

The MP also pushed for the revival of a Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) unit in Kargil to spearhead high-altitude research, leveraging technological advancements for agricultural and livestock improvements crucial to Ladakh’s harsh terrain.

Highlighting the critical need for upgraded medical infrastructure, especially in Kargil, Haneefa urged the enhancement of existing Army hospitals to cater to both civilian and military medical needs effectively.

Strategic connectivity emerged as a cornerstone of Haneefa’s agenda, advocating for the completion of the Handanbroke Hanu-Zingpal Turtuk road to enhance access to remote areas. He requested an increase in the tonnage quota for essential commodities transport to Ladakh, ensuring uninterrupted supplies during harsh winter months.

In a move to honor local contributions, Haneefa proposed a 50% reservation for Kargil residents in the Ladakh Scouts Regiment, recognizing their sacrifices alongside the Indian Army.

With an eye on infrastructure maintenance, Haneefa urged the expansion of Project Vijayak’s jurisdiction to Nilgrar, aiming to bolster the upkeep of the vital Srinagar-Leh highway. Furthermore, he called for the engagement of local transporters from Leh and Kargil districts in military logistics operations, advocating for enhanced local employment and economic growth opportunities.

Critical to improving regional connectivity, Haneefa sought Defence Ministry intervention to streamline traffic operations on the Nimmu-Darcha-Padum road, pivotal for advancing connectivity in the Zanskar region.

Expressing confidence in prompt action on these issues, Haneefa asserted that addressing Ladakh’s strategic priorities would fortify defence capabilities while fostering comprehensive regional development. His advocacy echoes the sentiments and aspirations of Ladakh’s residents, underscoring the imperative of effective governance and strategic planning in border regions.

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