The trailer of the Telugu film Game Changer, one of the anticipated Sankranti films, was unveiled in Hyderabad on Tuesday in the presence of director SS Rajamouli. In Game Changer that credits its storyline to Karthik Subbaraj, director Shankar continues one of his favourite themes of the protagonist taking corrupt forces head on. Ram Charan plays an IAS officer determined to bring down errant politicians, including the character essayed by SJ Suryah. The film stars Kiara Advani as the female lead and Anjali in a pivotal character that hints at a possible flashback.
The Telugu film also starring Samuthirakani, Srikanth, Sunil and Naveen Chandra is produced by Dil Raju’s Sri Venkateshwara Films and Zee Studios. S Thaman has composed the film, cinematography is by S Thirunavukkarasu and Telugu dialogues by Sai Madhav Burra.
Game Changer, Ram Charan’s first release post SS Rajamouli’s RRR, will arrive in theatres in Telugu, Tamil and Hindi on January 10.
Published – January 02, 2025 06:09 pm IST