CPGRAMS 10-Step Reforms focus on quality of grievance redressal, improving citizen satisfaction: Govt, ET Government

<p>In pursuance of the Prime Minister’s directions in PRAGATI review meeting on December 26, 2024, DARPG has deepened the CPGRAMS 10-step reforms with focus on quality of grievance redressal and improving citizen satisfaction.</p>
In pursuance of the Prime Minister’s directions in PRAGATI review meeting on December 26, 2024, DARPG has deepened the CPGRAMS 10-step reforms with focus on quality of grievance redressal and improving citizen satisfaction.

The Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions in a statement said on Tuesday that in pursuance of the Prime Minister’s directions in PRAGATI review meeting on December 26, 2024, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances has deepened the CPGRAMS 10-step reforms with focus on quality of grievance redressal and improving citizen satisfaction.The CPGRAMS 10-step reforms include introduction of senior officer level reviews of grievance redressal, capacity building programs for GRO’s under SEVOTTAM, technology upgradation under the nextgen CPGRAMS project and effective metrics for monitoring quality of grievance redressal, adopting best practices from states, collaboration with RTS commissions and improvements in the feedback collection practices with the feedback call center, documentation and dissemination of success stories, enhanced media outreach on the CPGRAMS benefits, according to the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions.Policy Improvements
Introduction of Senior Officer Reviews in CPGRAMS: The Cabinet Secretary issued a DO letter to all Secretaries on January 30, 2025, to conduct senior-level reviews of public grievances. To operationalize this directive, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) has launched a dedicated review module in CPGRAMS with the request that ministries/ departments utilize this module for grievance reviews.

Capacity Building under SEVOTTAM with Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) as knowledge partner: DARPG has onboarded the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) as a Knowledge Partner for Capacity Building in Grievance Redressal under SEVOTTAM. DARPG has convened the National Workshop for State ATIs in Bhopal on 20th February 2025 to finalize training implementation strategies/ modules.

Next-Gen CPGRAMS – A Citizen-centric Transformation: DARPG has developed Next-Gen CPGRAMS, to introduce cutting-edge technology, enhanced efficiency, and greater ease of access for all stakeholders. The DARPG will work with Technology Partners, National Informatics Centre, the National Institute of SMART Governance, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, BHASHINI and C-DAC to provide Citizens with a user-friendly interface to lodge grievances effortlessly.

State-Wise CPGRAMS Rankings by Centre for Good Governance: DARPG has engaged the Centre for Good Governance (CGG), Hyderabad, to develop ministry/ department wise rankings under the Grievance Redressal Assessment Index. The GRAI will be deepened to focus on citizen satisfaction on identified parameters. The CGG will collaborate with the Feedback Call Centre and Quality Council of India for improving the documentation and dissemination as also citizen outreach.

Enhancing Outreach for CPGRAMS: The CSC-CPGRAMS day is celebrated on the 20th of every month to enhance awareness of citizens in rural areas using the CSC network on benefits of CPGRAMS. The All India Radio Jingles are being aired to enhance outreach on the benefits of the portal.

The adoption of this 10-Step process has resulted in timely and qualitative disposal of public grievances in the period 2019-2024, during which period 1.12 crore public grievances have been redressed on the CPGRAMS portal, 103675 Grievance Redressal Officers have been mapped and over 30 lac citizens registered on the portal. The grievance redressal timelines have been brought down to 15 days, and over 20 lac citizen feedbacks have been collected through the feedback call center. It is envisaged that the deepening of the CPGRAMS 10-Step Reforms will ensure greater efficiency, accountability, and citizen satisfaction in grievance redressal, the ministry added.

  • Published On Mar 5, 2025 at 07:51 AM IST

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