Flow of life

Woman is the source of life, everything flows here onwards. Relationships are formed. Social and moral values are vested in that network of relationships. If seen keenly, woman is the basis of life.

Woman is the flow of life. But it is also true that Karma Nari-dominated society has been displaced and made male dominated. The example of this is that in the Vedic period, the name of the family was associated with mother. Then this clever man slowly started snatching the rights of the woman and her exploitation started. The woman was then considered to be a child-producing machine.

In the 1970s, the people woke up around the world and attempts to end the discrimination against women were made. Reformists felt that it was very important to think about the identity of women and the discrimination extended against them. Therefore, the idea of Women’s Day took root.

Today, woman gets reservation in almost every field. Today woman has reached the moon and other satellites.

Women should get equal place in society. If we want to celebrate occasions like Women’s Day in their true meaning, we have to change the negative attitude of society towards women. The condition of women in the society has to be improved. Women themselves have to recognize their value, only then their condition in the society can improve. We have to give women the place in the society which they deserve.

If we talk about today’s time, our civilized society is feeling that women are making huge contributions to the progress of the country. The biggest example in front of the country is that of Droupadi Murmu, the President of the country. If we see in the field of politics, our country have a woman Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

When we talk about Delhi, the capital of the country, the Chief Minister Rekha Gupta is also a relevant example. When we turn to the sporting world, Sheetal Devi is the first international para archer, who was recently awarded Arjuna Award for her performance. When we see the contribution of women in agriculture sector, a woman named Bua Rani comes to mind. There are many other names who have made  a mark in their fields of specialisation.

As an individual woman, Pooja Gupta is a successful female entrepreneur and is also the chairperson of the Saveshwar Smiles Foundation. She has been awarded so many times.

Today, she has made a special place for herself in the society. Through her Foundation, many sewing centres were started in different districts for women, where they gave 45 days training to women and also kept a trainer in every sewing centre who can teach women professionally. Apart from this, a lot of health camps also are organized so that women can stay healthy and run their work well, and earn income for themselves. Along with this, Pooja Gupta is also making full contribution in promoting organic farming, the biggest example of which is Nimbark Organic.

Finally, on the occasion of Women’s Day, just celebrated, the message is that the government has a lot of schemes for women and those should be implemented in letter and spirit.

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