Election-bound Tamil Nadu among top States in many socio-economic measures: Data

A poll official works on Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) at a distribution centre in Coimbatore on April 11, 2024, ahead of the country’s upcoming general elections.

A poll official works on Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) at a distribution centre in Coimbatore on April 11, 2024, ahead of the country’s upcoming general elections.
| Photo Credit: AFP

An analysis of economic, social and environmental indicators of Tamil Nadu, which is headed to the national polls this Friday, shows that the State has recorded a holistic development across periods. While on the one side, it features among the top major States in various indicators which measure child-health, women empowerment and educational attainment, the State also features among the top major States in economic performance, strongly supported by its manufacturing sector. The State should concentrate on sustainable development as its better economic performance has come at a cost with it lagging in environment-related indicators.

Table 1 | The table lists Tamil Nadu’s rank on social indicators and its actual score in a parameter in 2019-21, 2015-16 and 2005-06. It shows the change in Tamil Nadu’s rank in 2019-21, compared to 2015-16. 

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The rankings include smaller States too such as the northeastern States and Goa. So Tamil Nadu’s rankings among major States are depicted separately. For instance, the share of the female population aged six or above, who ever attended school in 2019-21 was 80.4% in the State. While Tamil Nadu was ranked 11 of the 30 States analysed, if only major States were considered, it featured inside the top three (behind Kerala [1] and Himachal [10]). States ranked two to nine were smaller States.

The share of women aged 20-24, who married before turning 18 was 12.8% in 2019-21 (ranked 13 of 30). The share of such women has decreased in Tamil Nadu over the years, however, the State’s relative ranking has increased from 9th in 2005-06 to 13th in 2019-21.

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Tamil Nadu featured among the top three major States in both the Infant mortality rate and the share of stunted children in 2019-21. Its relative ranking in the share of wasted children too has improved from 23rd in 2005-05 to 10th in 2019-21. It is placed much closer to the top three States in the share of underweight children.

In the share of households with any member covered under a health insurance/financing scheme (%), the State is ranked fourth. However, the State has to improve much when it comes to population share that uses an improved sanitation facility.

Table 2 | The table shows Tamil Nadu’s actual score in the Human Development Index (HDI) and the change in rank in 2021 compared to 1990.

Tamil Nadu’s ranking in the Human Development Index has improved from 16th in 1990 to 11th in 2021 (Table 2) . The State’s economic performance has also improved in the last two decades. In 1993-94, it was ranked eighth out of 27 States and in 2021-22 it jumped to the sixth spot overall (third rank among major States) in per capita net state domestic product (current prices) as shown in Table 3.

Table 3 | The table shows Tamil Nadu’s per capita net state domestic product and its change in rank in 2021-22, compared to 1993-94.

Also, its economic might is majorly supported by the manufacturing sector, which employs 18.7% of the State’s workforce. This is the third-highest share among major States (Table 4). Also, in terms of the contribution of manufacturing to the State’s total Gross Value Added, the State is ranked sixth overall and fourth among major States.

Table 4 | The table shows Tamil Nadu’s rank in indicators related to manufacturing.

Among educational indicators, Tamil Nadu is among the best-performing States (Table 5) . The State has the highest Gross Enrolment ratio (GER) in higher education, and the third-highest GER in higher secondary schooling, among major States.

Table 5 | The table shows Tamil Nadu’s rank in indicators related to education.

However, the State lags in environment-related indicators due to industrial growth (Table 6) . In terms of hazardous waste generated per capita, the State was ranked 25 out of 28 (three States had lower waste generation). In terms of fossil fuels consumed per capita, Tamil Nadu ranked 22 of 30 (eight States had lower consumption).

Table 6 | The table shows Tamil Nadu’s rank in environment-leading indicators.

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