1. The shortest word that contains the letters ‘cell’ is the word ‘cell’ itself. This relationship between entities. described as “every set is a subset of itself” (except an empty set), is present in many areas of mathematics and is often called the _________ property. Fill in the blank.
2. Plastic pollution is one of the major global crises of the 21st century. Scientists have found plastic pollutants almost everywhere they’ve looked on the planet, including inside human bodies. This said, the most abundant polymer on the earth is still X. Name X.
3. In 1862, a fellow named Alexander Parkes patented a material called parkesine, often considered the first synthetic plastic. Later chemists combined parkesine, camphor, and other substances to make a material that, in the 19th century, led to the explosion of the motion picture industry. Name the material.
4. When fat collects in small clumps under the connective tissue beneath your skin, they can push the skin out in that area. From the outside, the skin looks lumpy or pocked. Name this condition.
5. Y is an important type of just-in-time manufacturing. A Y facility is capable of rapidly manufacturing products, being rapidly adaptable to manufacturing a variety of products, and minimising waste. Name Y.

This is a close-up view of a modern cello. Name the direct ancestor to this instrument, invented in the early 16th century.
1. Reflexive property
2. Cellulose
3. Cellulite
4. Celluloid
5. Cellular manufacturing
Visual: Bass violin (or violone)
Published – January 01, 2025 11:00 am IST