Case Filed Against Apni Party Member for Using ‘Foul Language’ on Social Media

To seek an action under law, a lawyer has filed a case against member of the J&K Apni Party, Mudasir Bashir Bhat alias Mudasir Aziz, before the court of Judicial Magistrate Pampore for alleged use of foul language by accused on social media platform, “categorizing as an offence under section 294 of the IPC”.

News agency CNS reported reliable sources as saying that a complainant, Advocate Fayaz Ahmad Lone, a resident of Pampore, has filed a case against the accused Mudasir Bashir Bhat, who recently joined the J&K Apni Party and mentioned in the complaint that the latter has “uttered obscene words on social media thus creating causing annoyance to the general public.”

“The act on the part of the accused is categorized as offence in terms of section 294 IPC as the words uttered by the accused during online conversation caused annoyance to general public/users in general and to the complainant in particular,” submitted the complainant before the court of Judicial Magistrate Pampore in a written form according to sources.

The complainant further appealed to the Court for investigation into the matter so that the accused can be dealt with under the provisions of law, they added.

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